5 Ways to Run Windows Software on a Mac Chris Hoffman @chrisbhoffman Updated March 31, 2018, 10:41pm EDT Macs have a thriving ecosystem of software, but some programs still only support Windows.
Yes, Chocolatey exists but it seems unavoidably hacky (effectively just automating the above Windows installers) Case study 2: Trying to follow the.. Are there any experienced devs using a Surface who disagree? I'd love to here some differing views on this.. Let's say I want to start a small Python project using Github To get Python I need the special Python-for-Windows installer.. In order to set Windows up for C, I need Cygwin so I can use gcc Basically so much of a hassle that it's recommended just to download an Ubuntu VirtualBox image anyway.
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I have not yet tried it in this context though As for Git, git is very easy to use in Windows and I use it daily with Eclipse/PHPStorm and Co.. Contents About the platform macOS is the primary operating system for the Macintosh computer. 900 Cau Hoi Thi Nails Tieng Viet
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Oh and a bonus complaint: Why are so many programs still not HDPI aware? Either the GUI elements are all tiny or it uses the 2:1 scaling which makes everything pixellated.. It was originally a system designed privately by Apple Inc, however with Mac OS X, it has been based on Unix.. The next Win10 Update has Ubuntu's bash, so you can actually use apt-get directly in Windows.. I'm a complete beginner to all this stuff so I'm sure there's a lot I'm not considering.. Same story for Git Each of these installers has various install options and, as a beginner, it's hard to know what the best option is in every case (Git lets me choose an option that would overwrite Windows' 'find' and 'sort' tools and then asks if I want it to convert 'LF' to 'CRLF' for commits, for example).. So I guess the point I'm making is that it would seem a lot easier to program in any OS other than Windows in order to avoid jumping through all these hoops and then having to remember which hoops I've jumped through in order to potentially troubleshoot later down the line.. Off the top of my head, this is true for SumatraPDF, Notepad++, NetBeans, pretty much any installer, Audacity, even some of the tools built into the OS! (Device Manager, Performance Monitor and the Management Console iirc) • • • • •. 518b7cbc7d